[转帖] [Business education] 2013.1.26 随身计算——你的手腕可能成为未来高科技的战场




Wearable computing

Watch this space

The next tech battleground may be your wrist

Jan 26th 2013 | SAN FRANCISCO |From the print edition

HUMANS are “so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea,” says “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, a comic novel. Pebble, a maker of smartwatches, begs to differ. On January 23rd it started shipping digital devices that strap to your wrist but are nonetheless rather neat.

The thousands of people who contributed over $10m in pre-orders last year to finance Pebble do not think themselves primitive. For their cash, they will be the first to receive $150 slim devices that can show e-mail, text and Facebook messages received by the nearby smartphones to which they are wirelessly connected. The messages appear on an elegant LCD screen. The watches can run useful—nay, lifesaving—apps, such as a rangefinder for golfers. They can be programmed to vibrate when phone calls come in. They even tell the time.

Pebble isn’t the only company springing into the watch business. Other start-ups such as ConnecteDevice, which produces the Cookoo watch, and I’m Watch, an Italian firm, are also touting connected timepieces. Japan’s Sony is promoting its SmartWatch, which works with Android phones. And there are rumours that both Apple and Google have smartwatch prototypes under development. Last year Google filed a patent for a watch with what looked like a small, flip-up display screen.
Pebble可不是唯一一家突发其想做起手表生意的公司。还有其他一些正在宣传此类计时器的新兴企业,比如生产Cookoo手表的ConnecteDevice,以及一家名为I’m Watch的意大利公司。日本的索尼公司正在促销其适用安卓手机的智能腕表SmartWatch。并有传言说,苹果和谷歌都已处在智能腕表的样品测试阶段。去年,谷歌为一款带有小型翻盖显示屏的手表申请了专利。

Smartwatch start-ups have borrowed ideas from smartphone-makers. They have packed their watches with tiny sensors that can be exploited by various apps. They use software to prolong battery life. (Pebble’s watch can go seven days without a charge.) And they have encouraged other developers to create apps for their timepieces.

Massimiliano Bertolini, a co-inventor of I’m Watch, admits it will take time for people to get used to recharging their watches, but he says they will soon find it worthwhile. He knows he must watch out in case a tech giant such as Apple invades his turf. Were that to happen, he says, it would prove that smartwatches really are a business of the future. Only time will tell.
I’m Watch的设计者之一Massimiliano Bertolini承认,让人们习惯为手表充电需要花一段时间。但他也表示,人们很快就会发现这样是值得的。他清楚,必须要时刻提防苹果这样的科技巨头侵入这一市场。他还说,如果这种情况发生,也就证明智能腕表真的是一项未来的商业。只有时间能证明。

From the print edition: Business   译者:许勐