[转帖] 《时代周刊》:2014十大最佳电影




Sixtyish actor Riggin Thomson (Michael Keaton) hates that he is remembered only for a comic-book movie hero, Birdman, that made him a star decades earlier. He figures that headlining and directing a Broadway play based on a Raymond Carver story will convince the world of his serioso chops. But when nearly everything goes wrong in previews, Riggin realizes he can trust only the Birdman voice in his head. Assembling a dynamite cast (Edward Norton, Naomi Watts, Zach Galifianakis, Emma Stone) and employingGravitycinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki to shoot the two-hour story as if it were one continuous take, director Alejandro G. Iñárritu turns a familiar backstage dramedy — say,All About EveplusAll That Jazztimes Fellini’s8½— into a spec-technical tour de farce. Keaton, who played Batman in two Tim Burton movies, locates Riggin’s frantic weariness, which could sag into suicidal defeat or ascend into mad apotheosis. Not to worry: the actor and the movie end up soaring.
60多岁的过气男演员瑞根·汤姆森(迈克尔·基顿饰)讨厌别人只记得自己扮演过漫画电影英雄“鸟人”。他决定通过大力宣传自己导演的百老汇舞台剧来重拾昔日的辉煌。这部改编自雷蒙德•卡佛小说的舞台剧在预演时进展糟糕,这使他意识到唯一可信的就是自己头脑中的“鸟人”。该影片大腕云集,包括爱德华·诺顿、娜奥米·沃茨、扎克·加利费安纳基斯和艾玛·斯通。这部特技闹剧由《地心引力》摄影师艾曼努尔·卢贝兹基拍摄,亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里图导演。主演基顿曾两次在蒂姆·伯顿的影片中饰演“蝙蝠侠”这一角色,此番他在《鸟人》中完美诠释了男主人公瑞根内心的厌倦。这种近乎疯狂的情感要么导致瑞根的自我毁灭,要么让他成为疯狂的全民偶像。你无需担心,因为影片有个圆满结局。http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/lan ... ontent_19150816.htm
9.Wild Tales

Passengers board a flight for which they have all received free tickets. Slowly they realize that their mysterious benefactor is a man named George Pasternak, whom each of them had wronged in some way — and that he is in the cockpit about to crash the plane. A hijacking story with a weirdly effervescent tang, this is the first of six short fables in an omnibus comedy from Argentinian writer-director Damián Szifron. Animosity simmers and boils hilariously in episodes set in a roadhouse diner, on the open highway, in a DMV office, among the corrupt members of a rich family and at a wedding ceremony where the bride learns her new husband has had affair with one of the guests. Produced by Pedro Almodóvar, and playing like a volume of short stories somehow coauthored by Ambrose Bierce and Roald Dahl,Wild Talesbuilds recognizable grudges into tales of apocalyptic revenge. It’s also the year’s most fearlessly funny film.
1.The Grand Budapest Hotel

Monsieur Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes) flawlessly executes his job as concierge at the Grand Budapest Hotel in the Republic of Zubrowka during the political upheavals of the 1930s. Intoning romantic poetry he may have made up on the spot, he attends to the sexual whims of his rich old-lady clients; or, as he says, “I go to bed with all my friends.” Amour and mortality, romance and horror, comedy and tragedy duel to a sumptuous draw in Wes Anderson’s richtorteof a movie — perhaps the most seductively European film ever made by a kid from Houston, Texas. A dizzyingly complex machine whose workings are a delight to behold, the movie has a wry smile for frailties, a watchful eye for tyranny and a heart that, under the circumstances of this dark, fanciful tale, must be called heroic. This is not just an amazing contraption, though it is that; it’s a real, funny, sad movie, whose performances (from Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Jeff Goldblum, Tilda Swinton and dozens of others) are as alert and elegantly composed as the décor. Grand isn’t good enough a word for thisBudapest Hotel. Great is more like it.

(翻译:eileen7 编辑:陈丹妮)