哈,丙某以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势抢走了David先生的沙发。 过一会儿我再慢慢看。

[ 本帖最后由 丙辰龙 于 2008-11-13 21:50 编辑 ]
原帖由 David 于 2008-11-10 15:58 发表
F. Crick

pieces of you

she's an ugly girl,
does it make you want to kill her?
she's an ugly girl,
do you want to kick in her face?
she's an ugly girl,
she doesn't pose a threat.
she's an ugly girl,
does that make you feel safe?
ugly girl,
ugly girl,
do you hate hercause she's pieces of you?

she's a pretty girl,
does she make you think nasty thoughts?
she's a pretty girl,
do you want to tie her down?
she's a pretty girl,
do you call her a bitch?
she's a pretty girl,
did she sleep with your whole town?
pretty girl,
pretty girl,
do you hate hercause she's pieces of you?

you say he's a faggot,
does it make you want to hurt him?
you say he's a faggot,
do you want to kick in his brains?
you say he's a faggot,
does he make you sick to your stomach?
you say he's a faggot,
are you afraid you're just the same?
do you hate himcause he's pieces of you?

you say he's a jew,
does it mean that he's tight?
you say he's a jew,
do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
you say he's a jew,
he'll never wear that funny hat again.
you say he's a jew as though being born were a sin.
oh jew, oh jew,
do you hate himcause he's pieces of you---------

[ 本帖最后由 丙辰龙 于 2008-11-13 22:34 编辑 ]

回复 5楼 的帖子

[ 本帖最后由 丙辰龙 于 2008-11-13 22:46 编辑 ]
尊严 (人与社会)。让每个人有尊严的活着,不因为他贫贱,不因为他有残缺,不因为他平庸,不因为他与我们不同(想起JEARL的一首歌“Pieces of you")。让每个人有尊严的活着,尊重他们的意见,尊重他们选择的生活方式,尊重他们发表见解的权力,尊重他们参与社会活动的首创精神和参政议政的权力。只有每个人有尊严地活着,有尊严地相处,遵循共同的游戏规则,冲突有正常的渠道(due process)解决,这个社会才是健康的,和谐的,有活力的,有创造力的。呵护人的尊严而不是毁灭人的自尊,是生命教育的应有之义。
David 发表于 2008-11-13 21:35
前天,看永德在作品会馆贴的那篇文章。 看内容,大概推测出应该是永德的一个刚参加工作不久的学生写的,应该90后吧。 也许是丙辰龙的某些观念严重落伍,我真的搞不懂现在的某些小孩子为何这么刻薄(其实我想说的词是“恶毒”)。看她(我猜作者应该是女孩子)那文章,我觉得很气愤也很悲哀,当时想到的就是David先生推荐的这首歌“Pieces of you”。  我原来转来的歌曲链接来自于YouTube,好像YouTube在国内被封了很久了。 想拜托永德一定找到这首歌,给你那位朋友听听。
本帖最后由 丙辰龙 于 2009-6-13 18:30 编辑

回复31# 东篱老人

31楼转帖明显是借鉴了David先生的文章。 东篱先生可能刚来燕谈不久还不熟悉,David先生的文章有他自己的风格,很明显的。  呵呵,如果丙辰龙判断错了,情愿挨50大板。