[转帖] [2012.08.04] They took it with them 汉代瑰宝:伴君入墓


Treasures from the Han dynasty

They took it with them

The pursuit of immortality yielded some marvellous tombs

Aug 4th 2012 | from the print edition

Armed for eternity

THE suits of eerily beautiful, head-to-toe armour are made of thousands of small jade plaques. They look astonishingly like precious jewels, each the size and shape of a man (pictured). In a way, that is what they are. Made in the Han dynasty (206BC–220AD), the suits were designed for the bodies of dead kings, to protect them for eternity. Now they are the stars of “The Search for Immortality”, a new exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. This is the first time they have left China, along with many of the other 350 objects in the show.


Everything on view came from Han dynasty imperial tombs, which served as palaces for the afterlife and were furnished accordingly. Half of the objects are from the excavated tombs of kings of Chu in the north of China; the other half are from the tomb of the king of Nanyue, a thousand miles to the south. This is the first time these artefacts have been seen together, even by many Chinese scholars. The exhibition’s four rooms offer “the grandest display of Chinese Han tomb treasures to have been seen in the world,” explains Yinde Li, director of the Xuzhou Museum, which loaned many of the objects.


This show is designed to be scholarly, not a blockbuster, with the objects arranged to suggest (not replicate) how various parts of the tombs were used. First come the earthenware soldiers, more than two feet high and some on horseback, as guardians of the tomb entrance. An area indicates a bathroom with bronze washing basins and a stone toilet. Cleanliness remained important, even after death. The second room highlights the pleasures of palace life. Visitors are spared the remains of concubines, horse trainers and chefs sacrificed to serve in perpetuity, as they have not been included in this show. Instead there is a kitchen with cooking pots, wine vessels and glasses, and a case filled with earthenware dancers, the sleeves of their robes swirling in the breeze.


The jade burial suit of the king of Nanyue is the centerpiece of the third room, while that of the second king of Chu is the highlight of the last. Each king is accompanied by treasured ornaments and possessions. The most poetic object in the show is the king of Nanyue’s faceted jade cup, used to collect dew. It was believed that drinking dew would prolong life and help to achieve immortality.


The king of Chu’s burial suit is shown near a jade-covered lacquer coffin, which offered yet another level of protection from evil spirits. The presence of so much fine jade—varied in colour and cut with such skill that some pieces glitter like diamonds and others look like melting, translucent fat—illustrates why it is more highly prized than even gold in China today. A last reminder of this is the plump, milky jade bear placed near the exit, as if bidding visitors farewell. Some kings kept menageries of exotic wild beasts. This bear, with its oddly endearing face, may have been modelled on a particular favourite. It was used as a weight; it is also a work of art.


Timothy Potts, a former archaeologist, became director of the Fitzwilliam in 2008. This exhibition was one of his first projects, in collaboration with James Lin, a Taiwan-born curator at the museum and a specialist in the Han dynasty. It seeks to introduce visitors to ancient Han ideas about immortality and to explain what life was like at the Han courts, which the tomb-palaces mirror. It works exceptionally well. In September, Mr Potts becomes Director of the J. Paul Getty Museum. He leaves the Fitzwilliam on a high note.

Timothy Potts 曾是一位考古学家,后来于2008年担任了菲兹威廉博物馆的馆长。本次展览是他首批计划之一,与生于台湾的馆主任、汉代专家林政升合作推出。展览试图向来访者介绍古汉朝对于永生不朽的理念,并诠释灵宫所反映的汉代宫廷生活。展览取得了圆满成功。九月,Potts 即将就任保罗盖蒂博物馆的馆长。届时,他可以志得意满地离开菲兹威廉博物馆了。

“The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China” is at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, Britain, until November 11th


from the print edition | Books and arts


① 菲茨威廉博物馆是 剑桥大学的艺术和考古博物馆,毗邻剑桥大学菲茨威廉学院,位于剑桥市的中部。该馆建于 1816年,是英国第七子爵菲兹威廉的遗赠。年参观人数30万。菲茨威廉博物馆可以免费参观。





⑥镇纸 (weight = paper weight)