原帖由 小榔头 于 2008-11-12 22:12 发表
阿阿 剛剛辛苦寫了一大堆按錯一個鍵突然都沒了!!
已是残花落池塘   教人魂梦逐荷香


早晨口渴 喝上個月剩下的葡萄汁 聞起來有異香 並沒在意 結果是葡萄汁自然發酵變成了葡萄酒 清早貪杯 搞得一早上暈糊糊 西藥 西藥公司 商品壟斷 西醫診斷 儀式化……全部暈乎乎 老師期待的目光迎來我的醉眼迷茫……

給儒學學社邀請了學院的教授講座 中午收郵件得到設備部門反饋 說可以給我借投影器材 松口氣 這位教授異常厲害 年事雖高心態卻很開放 聽我説在christian union裏被問及中國有無聖經之類的情況 鼓勵我寫一篇論文研究christian union...她的丈夫也是本係名教 宗教與儀式課程上曾出任特邀嘉賓介紹他的田野調查 說是在50年前做的 “對 50年前 我是個老頭子了” 被提問是否會去做過對比 答曰沒有 “我太老了走不動了……” 夫妻雙方在人格和學朮上強強聯手的理想案例 讓大家豔羨不已 (尤其本係大多學生為未婚女,當然也有許多媽媽級人物 經常不來上課 理由是“我兒子病了”云云……)

晚上華人教會團契講中國文化與基督教 太大的題目 從我本身而言 老木匠對我的影響不可謂不大 而且我又很避諱基督徒基督教中心論的排他傾向(也許是本科學習的影響 希望是良性影響)  因此十分矛盾 另外fundamentalism(原教旨主義)是本科時代一直在討論的東西 看到華人教會裏有一些個別類似的傾向 和國内民族主義聯合 更讓這個問題複雜 請諸位指教

另外一點就是 曾經和老師討論 天主教的包容性和大公性還是有一定道理的 新教 本來就是protestant 違抗 斷言的意思 縂有點決斷的感覺 在國内和天主教接觸密切 就算魯莽問起修士或神父一些宗教敏感問題 他們的回答也總是平和寬博讓人敬佩 而新教 比如韓國新教教會致力於收復聖地 不惜在西北民族學院紮營打入敵人内部 又比如前幾年韓國傳教團在中東被撕票事件 爲什麽不能包容些 允許多元多樣和自由選擇存在呢 這也是我一直抵觸用言語傳福音的原因之一 也是現在在華人教會感覺尷尬的原因之一

每天都有問題 也是每天都有收穫

昨天討論班結束后導師問起大家想怎麽一起慶祝新年 我提議找幾個薩滿來做法 因爲人類學麽 就要人類學一點……一陣奇思妙想 又說“我們可以在半夜在月光下集合 點上火……” 一度為選擇人類學而非神學懊悔 但現在真的非常喜歡所學之學和所有同僚 在這裡沒有人論斷你有多怪異 這裡人人都怪異 而且享受並自豪於做一個怪異的人

下午寫申請博士要用的個人陳述(personal statement,其他材料都準備妥當了)找出去年申請時寫的 把第一句話"three years ago i made a life-changing decision to pursue religious studies"(三年前我做了一個影響一生的決定:去學習宗教學)改成"four years ago...."(四年前blabla)因爲時間這個特殊的東西 再次對自己作了個檢查:是否努力了 是否誠實了 是否後悔過 接下來的路要怎麽走?


[ 本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2008-11-15 06:52 编辑 ]
原帖由 自觉的梦游人 于 2008-11-15 07:10 发表
云想衣裳花想容,假如没有天堂,那就带着梦想去流浪吧。dance in hell, die in heaven,live in world, love in dream

云想衣裳花想容,假如没有天堂,那就带着梦想去流浪吧。dance in hell, die in heaven,live in world, love in dream

回复 65楼 的帖子



從日本教會的音樂晚會回來 吃夠了壽司 實在是非常過癮

回來上網與華人教會某同胞擡槓 回想回來路上和蘇格蘭老伯的談話 總之 還是希望可以寬容再寬容 開放再開放 open minded is the very important thing for Chinese students
在這裡沒有人論斷你有多怪異 這裡人人都怪異 而且享受並自豪於做一個怪異的人


放在該教會網站上共享了 貼下來和大家分享 今天的佈道詞更引人深思 要過幾天才能上網查到
今天太晚了先不翻譯了 過幾天來……
Sermon Sunday 9th November, 2008
Lessons Isaiah 25: 1 – 9 Revelation 22: 1 – 5 St Matthew 5: 38 – 48
Prayer of Illumination

Let us pray.
Almighty God, in whom is hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; open our eyes that
we may behold wondrous things out of Your law; and give us grace that we may clearly
understand and heartily choose the way of Your commandments; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.

On 13th May, 1940 the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, entered the House of
Commons to make a brief speech about forming an administration consisting of
members from all the major parties. His speech concluded with these, now
famous, words:

I say to the House as I said to ministers who have joined this
government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and
sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.
We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.
You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea
and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God
has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never
surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.
That is our policy.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory.
Victory at all costs; victory in spite of all terrors; victory, however
long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.
I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause
will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture,
at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, ‘Come, then, let us go
forward together with our united strength.’

Churchill delivered many memorable speeches and that was surely one of them:
Our policy is to wage war: war with all our might, war with all our strength.
Our aim is victory at all costs. This speech and these words are moving and
dramatic. They stir the heart and soul and fire the imagination. This is oratory
at its best. Surely these words and many like them from the Prime Minister
gave our people and our armed forces confidence and hope in the midst of war.
Churchill’s speeches were often, though not always, rousing, inspirational and
truly gifted, but why do we bring our need to remember war, conflict and
human suffering into Church and into our worship?

On 8th December, 1941 President Franklin D Roosevelt appeared before the US
Congress asking for a declaration of war. Roosevelt said:

Mr Vice President, Mr Speaker, members of the Senate and the
House of Representatives:

Yesterday, December 7, 1941 – a date that will live in infamy – the
United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by
naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Island has caused severe damage
to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very
many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships
have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco
and Honolulu.

Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against
Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night
Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked
the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake
Island. And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people,
our territory and our interests are in grave danger.

With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounded determination
of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly
attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has
existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.

These words are almost sixty-seven years old but they have lost nothing of their
import and potency, of their gravity and magnitude. Eloquent as they may be,
these words spoken by the leader of such a powerful nation are frightening but
why do we bring our need to remember war, conflict and human suffering into
Church and into our worship?

In his Sonnets from China, W H Auden remembers the massacre of Nanking as
well as the systematic cold-blooded murder of Dachau. Auden wrote:
Here war is harmless like a monument:

a telephone is talking to a man;
flags on a map declare that troops were sent;
a boy brings milk in bowls. There is a plan

For living men in terror of their lives
who thirst at nine who were to thirst at noon,
who can be lost and are, who miss their wives
And, unlike an idea, can die too soon.

Yet ideas can be true, although men die:
for we have seen a myriad faces
Ecstatic from one lie,
And maps can really point to places
where life is evil now.

Nanking. Dachau.
In December, 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China’s capital
city of Nanking and proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and
soldiers in the city. The six weeks of carnage would become known as the
Rape of Nanking or the Nanking Massacre and represented the single worst
atrocity during the World War II era in either the European or Pacific theatre of
war. The brutality was shocking by any standard. Political leaders in America
and Britain remained focussed on the worsening situation in Europe. One
westerner in Nanking at the time described the city as ‘hell on earth,’ while
another said, ‘I did not imagine that such cruel people existed in the modern
world.’ It is truly sobering to think that the Second World War and these
atrocities took place within living memory but why do we bring these
remembrances into Church and into our worship?

In his book, Their Darkest Hour, Laurence Rees recounts the story of a man
called Peter Lee. Lee joined the RAF in 1939. He was a supply officer in the
Far East and by 1942 he was caught and imprisoned by the Japanese. Over the
course of his imprisonment, he was held in four jails, in Java, Singapore and, in
Jesselton in North Borneo and finally in Sandakan, in north eastern Borneo.

Peter Lee said of Sandakan:
Many of our men died in the early days in Sandakan because they
were really too far gone after the experiences of Jesselton to make
a recovery. I can remember every day I used to go and see our men
in the sick bays. And you’d find a young man that I’d known as a
typical example of young British manhood – fit as a fiddle in Singapore –
and you’d either find them horribly emaciated, ghosts of their
former self, or incredibly bloated with beriberi....People who reached
that degree of malnutrition and illness, they didn’t recover.

Japanese soldiers, known as ‘bashers’, were said to ‘smash’ the British about.
Peter Lee survived partly by good fortune and because, he said, he let go of
hatred, let go of anger and banished self-pity. He looked for the positive in
each moment but in light of all that he saw, he said, ‘My considered opinion,
over the whole range of our experience, was that the Japanese treatment of
prisoners of war was brutal, sadistic and uncivilised.’ In 1943, there were 2500
POWs in Sandakan, 1800 Australians and 700 British. By the end of the war,
only six Australians survived. Every single one of the 700 British prisoners
had died. Peter Lee had known many of those men. The author, Laurence
Rees, states:

With hindsight, of course, we can see that all the pre-conditions
for this crime existed within the Japanese Imperial Army: the
Japanese contempt for prisoners of war, their own belief that to
surrender was contemptible, the brutality that pervaded the administrative
and leadership structure of the military and the Japanese desire
to work POWs like beasts of burden on starvation rations. Given all
this, an atrocity like Sandakan was always possible.

Why bring our need or desire to remember the absolute horror of war, conflict
and human suffering into Church and into our worship?

Though war can bring out of men and women heroism, bravery and devotion to
comrades the likes of which no peace-time pursuit can match, the ghastliness of
war is intolerable and too high a price for any heroism or glory that it might on
occasion yield. Each week when we come to Church and to worship we bring
with us our burdens and brokenness, our failures and flaws as well as our hopes
and dreams, loves and interests. In prayer and silence, in song and mediation,
we bring them all and lay them down before God, before the throne of grace.

At no time is humanity more broken, more barbaric and more in need of divine
salvation, healing, wholeness and forgiveness than in our propensity to hate,
diminish others and perpetrate war against fellow human beings, fellow bearers
of the divine image. It would be ludicrous if we could not bring our
brokenness, in all its manifestations, before the throne of grace. We present
our suffering and we pray for healing. We present our sinfulness, pray for
forgiveness and for the wisdom and understanding to listen and learn from God.

Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that
hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you.’ I do
not pretend that these words are ever easy to deliver. I do not doubt that the
demand of these words is above and beyond what is humanly possible for many
of us, but these are the words of God. When I hear these words I feel in my
heart that these are the words of God: only God could say these words, truly
mean them, and faithfully and in all circumstances live them out. The morality
and ethics of these words lift us all the way up to heaven. In the Book of
Revelation we are told that, at the throne of God, there shall be no more curse,
there will be the healing of the nations and we shall see God’s face. The
prophet, Isaiah, wrote:

O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee,
I will praise thy name; for thou hast done
wonderful things; thy counsels of old are
faithfulness and truth.

In meditation, in dream, in trance, the prophet’s vision has been directed to
heaven: he praises the name of God, he pledges his devotion to God, and he
recites the wonderful things which God can do. Perhaps the gulf between
human brokenness and God’s wholeness is nowhere more exposed than on this
Sunday, on Remembrance Sunday, and for that reason it is right, proper and our
duty as Christians to bring our need and desire to remember war, conflict and
human suffering into Church and into our worship. God is our solace, our
companion, lover and friend: He is our refuge and our strength, a present help
in time of trouble.

[ 本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2008-11-17 08:48 编辑 ]


還是忍不住來説幾句——汗 剛才洗澡的時候想到很多 現在都忘了。。。今天有點累 就總結一下最近的感受:不知道是華人出了問題 還是基督教出了問題 還是神學研究出了問題?

原帖由 小榔头 于 2008-11-17 08:45 发表
還是忍不住來説幾句——汗 剛才洗澡的時候想到很多 現在都忘了。。。今天有點累 就總結一下最近的感受:不知道是華人出了問題 還是基督教出了問題 還是神學研究出了問題?

原帖由 心中有刀 于 2008-11-14 23:50 发表



[ 本帖最后由 psyzjs 于 2008-11-17 10:16 编辑 ]


昨天晚上犯了大錯 請自己係裏的教授來講課 但是忘了給本係同學發群信邀請 很遺憾
另外通過講座深刻發現 在這位專攻中國古代科技和女性問題的教授 我真是對中國文化無知頭頂

這個儒學學社的活動裏 終于認識了至今爲止我認識的第一位愛丁堡人 而且也是學人類學的 今年第一年本科生 很巧
他的名字是malcolm 典型的蘇格蘭名字 他說他父親在大學教書 因爲記不住亞洲人的名字 全給他們取了蘇格蘭名字……
他還有同學要租房子  正好可以和我合租 在等音訊
早上幫我還了器材 忘了請他喝咖啡答謝

上課之前和同學在common room聊天 大家一致覺得還不知道什麽是人類學就要寫論文了……下午搜了幾個聖誕期間的兼職 發了兩封信 等等結果

鈎坏了第N雙襪子 對自己無語……

晚上去Koepping博士傢吃飯 是神學院一直在旁聽一門叫[亞洲教會與神學]的課的老師 也是本來神學院給我配的導師 很風趣的老太太 查了一下地圖 希望不要迷路 看看天色又暗下來 希望不至於狼狽

[ 本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2008-11-20 00:19 编辑 ]




從老師傢回來 非常開心 去的時候花了點時間 老師傢原來在中心草坪附近 是富人區 從來沒去過……
很好的房子 帶了瓶酒過去 大家就喝酒聊天

吃的很簡單 就是意大利面配蘑菇豬肝醬 然後是奶油布丁 奶油布丁有個故事:老師的冰箱上貼滿女兒和她的照片(雙胞胎均畢業于牛津)但是沒有她丈夫 可見有問題 就沒問 後來吃布丁時她自己講起 最初和丈夫離婚后的十天裏她什麽都吃不下也睡不著 全靠布丁救命 各種布丁 因爲布丁是嬰兒時吃的東西 有一種帶來安全感的象徵和回憶 能夠平復心情 光是這一點就讓我受益匪淺感觸頗深 食物和人……

另外幾個都是神學院的博士生 大部分已經是按立的牧師了 都拖兒帶女的來到愛丁堡 回去時一位韓國牧師陪我步行 說起他自己的精力 很享受現在在愛丁堡的生活 只有學習和家庭 雖然很窮 忍不住很感觸地說but spiritually you are very rich(精神上非常富足)互相感嘆一番

他太太剛生了第二個兒子 於是想到最近在寫的論文 問他是否有胎教 因爲想知道胎兒記憶的問題(不知道胎教怎麽說 就用了education during fetal period 好在他也能聼懂……)他說的確 當時他和太太一直給肚子裏的寶寶念聖經唱讚美詩 結果第二個兒子性格非常溫柔 還是一個不能在醫學上證明的問題 但是我們都習慣相信 正巧他也對這個問題很感興趣 在加州念碩士的時候論文寫的就是死嬰是否可以上天堂 和我在想的胎兒是否有靈魂實際也是一個問題 這也是天主教禁止墮胎的原因 因爲天主教看來靈魂在生命形成的最初就存在了 總值是一個永遠的爭論 雖然感興趣 但是目前我還是沒想到合適的切入點 雖然下個月就要交論文了……

愉快的夜晚 只是天氣更冷了 對蘇格蘭的感覺從walter scott筆下的ivanhoe艾凡赫轉到呼嘯山莊了 雖然那是英格蘭……



論文還沒寫完 博士申請已經開始 本來打定申請神學對人工智能的回應 現在經過旁聽亞洲神學課程 結合在這裡的一些感受 本土神學 contextual theology這個方向又在強烈地召喚我 找老師寫了推進信 又麻煩老師改 真是很不好意思 但還是無法決定應該如何選擇 本土神學的研究計劃也似乎來不及寫

原帖由 小榔头 于 2008-11-21 20:01 发表
論文還沒寫完 博士申請已經開始 本來打定申請神學對人工智能的回應 現在經過旁聽亞洲神學課程 結合在這裡的一些感受 本土神學 contextual theology這個方向又在強烈地召喚我 找老師寫了推進信 又麻煩老師改 真是很不好意思 但還是無法決定應該如何選擇 本土神學的研究計劃也似乎來不及寫


原帖由 小榔头 于 2008-11-21 20:01 发表
論文還沒寫完 博士申請已經開始 本來打定申請神學對人工智能的回應 現在經過旁聽亞洲神學課程 結合在這裡的一些感受 本土神學 contextual theology這個方向又在強烈地召喚我 找老師寫了推進信 又麻煩老師改 真是很不好意思 但還是無法決定應該如何選擇 本土神學的研究計劃也似乎來不及寫

給老師寫信說下午李維士特勞斯100周年生日慶祝上是否可以聊一聊聼聼她的建議 結果收到回信:the birthday party is next friday(生日派對是下個週五)


contextual theology指什么?为什么要翻译成“本土神学”?我比较外行,有点迷惑。


煮一鍋粥寫論文 論文也寫得跟一鍋粥似的...

見一個潛在的房客 搞了半天他才17嵗 半土耳其半蘇格蘭人 現在在學校附近的土耳其快餐店打工 可能會申請愛大來讀書--搞咩阿 和他簽合同我是不是還要找他監護人?....

然後咨詢神學院前輩兼華人教會傳道 實在不善與陌生人交流内在想法 然究竟有收穫 非常感激

晚上去學院寫論文 遇見日本同學瞳 在公共房間開懷大吃 論文進展甚微
公共房間有冰箱有暖氣有熱水有廚柜有沙發和地毯 學院又有浴室 以後真是可以在這裡過夜了...

回想一下  虽然经历短暂 但始终力求审慎且有理 终于没有让家人太过担心
现在也是持之以恒的努力着 还是同一个逻辑下面的路  只是不习惯和别人作解释
洋人常道中国女孩子看起来总比实际年龄小很多(去买酒都要被查护照) 但自己知道毕竟蹉跎不起
有一位前辈曾经说过 [何时才能恢复我玫瑰花般的容颜....]


上週在神學院旁聽課程時又讀到丁光訓(K.H.TING)的自白,幾周來情緒悲哀。時境變遷 終于體會到其中滋味

屢屢劫難中喪生無數 丁活了下來 中國尚有公開教會 於是衆矢之的便是有的放矢 而丁所致力於成全的理想和信仰 好比錢文忠提過的汪精衛等人可謂[先烈] 為成全中華文化之理想而曲綫救國 又是一個士的掙扎 過強的責任感在外人看來與理想主義差別甚微

其中苦心 至今才明白 我是否可以做到像他們那樣無論遭遇如何 仍存信望 又懂得把握尺度?

YMCA舊址在**南路123號 是一棟典型中西合併的精美建築 可惜年久失修  隔壁是上海最紅顔的教堂:蔣介石與宋美齡婚禮的沐恩堂moore memorial church 原是衛理公會 由鄔達克Laszlo Hudec設計建造 每一座堂都滿浸多少代人的回憶 在那樣的成全裏才可以稍作存留 沐恩堂的山牆上刻有[真理使爾自由] 那段年月裏 丁每次由YMCA經過沐恩堂 念到這句經文 不知有何思想 應該如何心碎 半個世紀后 我在異國他鄉 單是想到這一段 已不住淚流滿面

John 8:32
New International Version (NIV)
32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

爾識真理 真理釋爾

你們必曉得真理 真理必叫你們得以自由
"John 8:32
New International Version (NIV)
32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

爾識真理 真理釋爾

你們必曉得真理 真理必叫你們得以自由




中午大家一起在超市買午飯時忍不住和法國同學梅蘭妮說:這裡的食物太糟糕了……作爲法國人 梅蘭妮深表同感 說她已開始和一个法國人 另外幾個別國人合租房子 午飯時間他們擺開所有食物正式開始用餐 發現沒有人回來“他們人呢 難道他們都不吃飯嗎 對法國人來說 午飯和晚飯都很重要 一定要大家圍坐 八道或者十二道菜……”

對我來説 最震撼的事情是在老師傢吃飯 看到他們油炸花菜……簡直非常……未開化……