[原创] 榔头看电影

and the woods fell silent again(森林重归寂静)一个短片 导演rania ajami 伦敦长大 斯坦福毕业 本身却是中东人 现在在纽约的独立电影人 最近看了一些她的片子 很喜欢

这个短片情节非常简单 几个朋友到森林度假 突然发现一些照片 都是他们互相屠杀的情景 惊恐万分 其中一人相信那是预言即将发生的事 终于惊恐的心态导致预言的实现 观影完毕最早想到的是中国的历史事件 不确定 惊恐 不信任 许多日常生活里无伤大雅的细节最终致命

另外一部rania的片子叫asylum seekers (寻找疯人院)asylum也有避难所的意思 也是片子的立场

几个身份性格迥异的人物来到同一所疯人院 几个有趣的地方是:
这里管治疗的大夫都是儿童 带着病人们在花园散步 儿童-成人-精神治疗
电影开头是一个茶会 想到福柯疯癫史里引用的贵格会的杜克对疯人院茶会的描述:病人们穿上最好的衣服 每天晚上愉快的度过这段欢乐时光 彼此都是陌生人 疯子们在表演一出正常的情节

最近看到另外一个好片子是let the right one in(适者请进)瑞典电影 讲吸血鬼的 题目是吸血鬼之间通用语:吸血鬼只有得到邀请才能进他人家门

小说是典型吸血鬼类型 有传奇和迷信的成分 有趣的是电影里完全没有这类情节 而且场景设在上世纪70年代 一个百废待兴的时代 :

1 吸血鬼女孩起初的伴侣是个中年人 差去他们的年龄 他们应该在战争期间认识 感觉映射战争使人成为吸血魔鬼

2 两代吸血鬼 中年女子是被女孩吸血未死偶然成为吸血鬼的 意识到这点之后她选择的是阳光直射 让自己死去以免祸害周围人 感觉映射人性一代代堕落 下一代是吸食上一代存活 而上一代自愿牺牲

3 另外用孩子作为主角寓意比较明显 男孩知道女孩身份后 对话中明显有优越感 对女孩百般刁难 而女孩留他活口 即使最饥饿的时候也陪他玩耍 最后救他一命 结局是两个孩子坐火车离开这个城市 看似完美结局 其实是个残忍的开始:我们可以想象男孩会成为她的帮凶 杀人取血供她生活 一如她之前的伴侣 所以从这个角度讲她是否真心喜欢小男主角?或只是利用他而已?适者请进,好像又映射“让有用的留下来”

4 尽管很好奇导演改编原著的侧重点 但是查了一下谷歌 没查到什么特别的 有待查证 总之是个非常非常精彩的故事 如果能找到碟或者能下载 推荐大家看 涵义递进引人入胜

另外最近重看了希区柯克老片 太喜欢鸟(the birds)和夺命索 (rope)了 明天写 大家晚安……

[ 本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2009-5-6 10:07 编辑 ]
谢谢小榔头的推荐和点评! 三个主题听起来都不错,头两部从海报上看,好像舞台奇幻剧。

另外关于适者请进(不知道这样翻对不对)另一个让我想到主题其实是有关意识形态的 主角的学校有一个课后body building项目(强健体魄) 很像为国健身的形式

最后一个场景未成年人的残忍达到极限:几个高年级的孩子把主角按到水池里欲他于死地 如不从就用小刀剜下他的眼珠 镜头分别特写几个参与其中的孩子 那些内心变化很让人揪心
另外最近重看了希区柯克老片 太喜欢鸟(the birds)和夺命索 (rope)了 明天写 大家晚安……
夺命索的评论偶 还没有写。

回复 7楼 的帖子




Directed byHenry Selick
Produced byClaire Jennings
Written byHenry Selick
Neil Gaiman (novella)
StarringDakota Fanning
Teri Hatcher
Keith David
Robert Bailey Jr.
John Hodgman
Jennifer Saunders
Dawn French
Ian McShane
Music byBruno Coulais
They Might Be Giants
CinematographyPete Kozachik
Editing byChristopher Murrie
Distributed byFocus Features
Release date(s)(US) February 6, 2009
(UK) May 8, 2009
Running time100 minutes[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
CountryUnited States
Budget$60 to $70 million[9][10]
Gross revenueDomestic:

第十四道門Coraline)是部2009年停格動畫驚悚奇幻電影,改編自尼爾·蓋曼的暢銷同名中篇小說,由亨利·謝利克(Henry Selick)執導。 該片將在北美地區2009年2月6日首映,台灣於同年4月25日上映。
File:Coraline poster.jpg
監製Mary Sandell
Claire Jennings
Bill Mechanic
Michael Zoumas
Harry Linden
編劇尼爾·蓋曼 (原著)
攝影Pete Kozachik
剪接Christopher Murrie

一部蒂姆波顿出品的动画片 之前看到片花和海报里有小女孩的双眼要被缝上纽扣的情节 立刻就喜欢上了 今天刚上映

和之前的设想比较相似 有点黑暗成分 有点现实主义 但因为是动画片 所以尽可以奇幻 开头非常漂亮 惊悚和悬念皆有 而且让我想到乔治弗朗瑞(franju)的巴黎屠宰场(blood of beast):在巴黎屠宰场里 我们看到的是动物被肢解 残忍度让人受不了 在考勒林的片头里 是一个布娃娃被剪开 抽线 掏空 挖出纽扣眼珠 同样让人反胃 人的物化和对物的主体化果然非常邪恶

1 考勒林是独生子女 和大部分小榔头的同代人一样 所以对片子里那种给予自身情绪过多关注而导致的孤独和臆想很有共鸣

2 子女与父母之间的微妙关系

3 片子里的邪恶角色是另一个世界里的“妈妈” 一个针妖(我起的名字 谁让她手脚都是针做的还爱缝人呢……) 是个非常悲剧的角色 其实只是一个极度完美主义者 对被爱过于苛求 当正常人不能忍受孤独的时候 或当正常人对他人感到失望时 我们就哭一哭顶多小闹一场 而针妖选择吸食别人的生命(挖出别人的眼珠 缝上纽扣 由此灵魂就为她封锁 应和中国人眼睛是心灵窗户的说法……) 由此真正把他们永远留在自己身边 当她对谁不满意时 也轻易地用针线改造对方(隔壁小鬼感到悲哀 于是嘴角被提升了一下下;缝制出来的老公要造反 就被改造成了一个瘫子)又想到夜访吸血鬼里的小吸血鬼 因为是吸血鬼 所以永远不可能长大的女孩对自己感到绝望 也嫉妒成年女性 就挑漂亮的成年女性下手 把她们的尸体收藏在卧室里 也是类似的病态

4 也有一点颠覆 或者搞笑著名童话的意思:也是一道小门 钻进去是另一个世界

5 另外可能是个人感觉 考勒林的邻居 一对过气的音乐剧姐妹:一个曾经甜美 一个曾经是波霸 现在都痴肥一团 波霸阿姨依然塑胸 对考勒林这样的小姑娘也习惯性的用独门“武器”时不时的……戳她一下…… 两人依然每天化着恐怖的浓妆 拍到她们过去美貌的海报时心里真难过啊 美人的价值衰退得快 对美貌的依赖阴魂不散 从骄傲到让人尴尬 阻断美人色衰后幸福生活的可能性 这个实在是残忍

6 考勒林希望的美好生活原来是个圈套 经过这个磨难她最终安于不完美的现实 我们是从什么时候起认识到现实生活中追求完美的不切实际?什么时候开始惧怕完美 是什么把恐惧根植到我们心底 意识到过于美好的东西意味着恐怖和危险 于是变得警惕和聪明起来?

[ 本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2009-5-9 07:05 编辑 ]

asylum seekers将参加上海国际电影节!!

谢谢大家回复!收到朋友消息 前面提到的asylum seekers(寻找疯人院?)将参加上海国际电影节 如果能公映的话真的是个好消息
欧,蒂姆波顿!他的作品总让我一见倾心。 《僵尸新娘》、《圣诞夜惊魂》、《断头谷》、《巧克力工厂》……蒂姆波顿的优点或者说缺憾在于他“视觉先行”的执拗,场景画面总是动人心魄,故事本身往往却很简单。可我好像一点也不在意,对我来说,每一次饱览那姆波顿式的视觉画面就已经足够过瘾了,好像本来就不该奢求更多。雾气缭绕的神秘、幽暗山谷的诡异,主角们都有一张哥特式怪异而忧伤的脸孔,惊悚和冷漠背后暗藏着孤独而又善良的心。

[ 本帖最后由 水色 于 2009-5-10 15:02 编辑 ]


二战中虚构的一个福尔摩斯故事 福尔摩斯参与到政治活动 击溃内乱恐怖之音 拯救大英帝国

有趣的是最后的场景:一个废弃的教堂里正义的英国绅士们抓获倒向纳粹的伪英国绅士 一开始觉得可能是为了场景戏剧化和神圣化 但女主角进入镜头时就预感【啊这个角色活不长了】果然她最后被反面角色枪击身亡

整个结尾极端男性中心 在一个宗教布景里女性呈现为牺牲的角色 结尾变成一个宗教仪式 包括福尔摩斯在内的所有绅士们围绕在女主角尸体身边 不显得悲伤 有种合理合【礼】的态度 福尔摩斯末了仰望上空赞美大英帝国新生:祭祀换来的新生 映着残破安立甘宗的教堂祭坛

Grey Gardens(灰园)

本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2009-6-5 06:34 编辑

1975年由Albert and David Maysles出品。 (with Susan Froemke, Ellen Hovde, and Muffie Meyer)。Maysles兄弟在50~70年代出品了许多地下纪录片,包括 Salesman (讲卖圣经的,也非常有趣;1969), Gimme Shelter (1970) , Grey Gardens (1976).  The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit.(1964)。曾经的地下电影制作现在变成小众经典

Grey Gardens看得很揪心 贾奎琳肯尼迪的姨母和堂妹 生活在东汉普顿超级富人区 都是红极一时的美人 名媛和艺术家 在纪录片中的生活不仅与世隔绝 且与小野兽同住 两人只使用了小小一间卧室 卧室自然有如洞穴 美人当年的油画扔在角落被猫啃烂  她们最好的朋友 也是唯一时不时来探望她们的 是个附近的工人

Edie(贾奎琳堂妹)的生活是每天盛装日光浴 独舞 与其母斗嘴 可以从争执中看到她们的病灶关系 抱怨母亲如何阻止她嫁人 她如何纪念那些曾经的爱人 母亲如何满意自己的生活 出色的丈夫 漂亮的孩子 无可抱怨 有趣的是两种看似相反的人生轨迹最终殊途同归

不仅是我们如何纪念生活 美人如何值得惋惜 花花世界如何虚如浮云……我们更如何得以接近真实?因为两位主角在拍片过程中下意识的展示着自己 作为曾经的歌手和模特 她们在这段时间里混淆了表演和生活 纪录片并不客观 镜头也并不能描述事实 影像未必切真 借用当代画家Gerhad Richter的话:我把画画成模糊的动态样式 就是希望观众能意识到我们永远无法见到真正的真实 而在每个个例中都有它自己的真实性

片子出来后小Edie曾回到纽约 变成一个非主流时尚偶像 后来不少人追问她的下落 经查她于2002年去世


◎译  名 步步惊魂
◎片  名 Point Blank
◎年  代 1967
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 动作/犯罪/剧情
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 英文/法文/西班牙文
◎IMDB评分 7.4 (1735 votes)
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062138
◎文件格式 XviD + AC3
◎视频尺寸 624 x 256 (0.5% AR error)
◎文件大小 49 x 15 MB
◎片  长 1:31:50
◎导  演 约翰·伯尔曼 John Boorman
◎主  演 劳伦·巴尔考 Lauren Bacall .... Actress in televised movie (uncredited) (archive footage)
      安吉尼·迪克金森 Angie Dickinson .... Chris
      李·马文 Lee Marvin .... Walker
      Lloyd Bochner .... Frederick Carter
      凯勒奥·奥康纳 Carroll O'Connor .... Brewster
      John Vernon .... Mal Reese
      Sharon Acker .... Lynne
      迈克尔·比尔 Michael Bell .... 2nd Penthouse Lobby Guard
      Priscilla Boyd .... Receptionist
      Casey Brandon .... Dancer (uncredited)
      Jerry Catron .... Man (uncredited)
      Rico Cattani .... Reese's Guard
      Victor Creatore .... Carter's Man
      Bonnie Dewberry .... Dancer (uncredited)
      Carey Foster .... Dancer (uncredited)
◎简  介 



开头的一段剪切 闪回镜头和60年代生活节奏与主角内心的紧张力量相映 非常精彩

只是借了动作片的幌子 二战后个人价值的失落借了这个幌子看起来尤其有穿透力 特别是男性光荣感和强烈男性主义 主角和仇敌之间类似同志之爱的扭曲感情 厮打的一段看起来像同性性爱姿态:他并非为了妻子报仇 其实无关女性

另外也有父与子的张力 主角类似新一代罪犯和嬉皮的父辈

战争和个人之间的关系就像所有社会形态最终和个体有关 但在美国的情况可能有所不同 个体价值得到意识形态上的认可 在现实里更不易把握

看了一半大大感叹 艰难的看完了
欧,蒂姆波顿!他的作品总让我一见倾心。 《僵尸新娘》、《圣诞夜惊魂》、《断头谷》、《巧克力工厂》……蒂姆波顿的优点或者说缺憾在于他“视觉先行”的执拗,场景画面总是动人心魄,故事本身往往却很简单。可我好像 ...
水色 发表于 2009-5-10 15:00


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回20楼: 老天爷啊,他俩真是太般配了。
主角和仇敌之间类似同志之爱的扭曲感情 厮打的一段看起来像同性性爱姿态:他并非为了妻子报仇 其实无关女性


本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2009-6-19 05:33 编辑

爱丁堡国际电影节开始 榔头的电影表如下:

Title:  No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti (Bu Neng Mei You Ni)  on:  26/06/09 18:30  at:  FILMHOUSE 3 EIFF  
台湾电影 不能没有你 2007年出品

Title:  Pontypool  on:  27/06/09 22:30  at:  CAMEO 1  
庞蒂浦 惊悚片 2008年出品

Title:  Roger Corman: In Person  on:  24/06/09 18:00  at:  CINEWORLD 2  

Title:  Fear Me Not (Den Du Frygter)  on:  24/06/09 21:50  at:  CINEWORLD 6  
勿怕我 丹麦2008

Title:  House of Usher, The  on:  18/06/09 13:00  at:  FILMHOUSE 1 EIFF  
罗杰克曼 厄舍古屋

Title:  St. Valentine's Day Massacre, The  on:  26/06/09 13:00  at:  FILMHOUSE 1 EIFF  

Title:  Intruder, The  on:  20/06/09 13:00  at:  FILMHOUSE 1 EIFF  
罗杰克曼 入侵者


大部分是老片 其中大部分是罗杰柯曼的惊悚片(Roger Corman) 今天看了厄舍古屋的倒塌 第一次在大荧幕上看 非常震撼 许多细节是之前没有注意到的 比如演员对角色性格及角色意义的演绎

在艺术方面 爱丁堡在欧洲享有盛誉(根据群众意见)夏季是这里最有活力的时候 大小文化艺术节遍地开花 国际电影节 国际文化节 戏剧节 灵修文化节 爵士节 书刊节……可惜作为一名新来的蜜蜂(我对英文单词newbee的直译)不了解情况 没有申请到志愿者 4月底已经截止了 当地电影网站有意接受影评稿件 但要求样稿 看毕业论文间隙是否能抽空翻译一个以前的东西

向大家问好 及时向大家汇报爱丁堡电影节情况 由于我在这里信息闭塞 不知国内是否有电影或娱乐杂志在做跟踪报道……
本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2009-6-25 08:03 编辑

愛丁堡電影節之羅杰科曼見面會及丹麥電影fear me not独立电影及惊悚电影教父罗杰科曼真人非常斯文 84岁 手有点抖 我提的問題是 是否被他本人的電影嚇倒過……
答曰無 嚇到他的是30年代的Mutiny on the Bounty(战舰喋血记 馬龍白蘭度在60年代重演過)他当时吓得逃出电影院 個人心理就很值得追究了 因為此片并非驚悚恐怖

放的片花有a bucket of blood (一桶血),The Pit and the Pendulum (陷阱與鐘擺),man with x-ray eyes (X光眼的男人), wild angels (狂野天使)
主持人是英国电影杂志sight and sound (暂译影音画报……)的撰稿编辑 可謂一大災難 问的问题都来自罗杰科曼自传 太不职业了

接下來看的片子是丹麥的新片 fear me not (勿怕我 / Den du frygter 2008)很好看 具有恐怖片的一切元素 但并非恐怖片
對心理學 中年危機 自我意識 ……有諸多對話和諷刺
事情都沒有講明 但是看得很清楚 心一直懸著

米加母親當年的放浪形為對他造成破壞性影響 以致于他終生無法面對自我并安然生存
他為妻子離開家鄉是為逃避陰影 母親因此將他妻子視為敵人 而他對新生活的勇氣和意識建立在另一個人身上 仍然未能面對自己 采取的方法是遺忘 因此母親是對的:他依然會回到故鄉 而回到故鄉意味著他個人生活出現了問題

米加一直未能面對自我 另一方面也未對其他人予以關注 甚至妻女親朋 當然他人也有責任 未曾有人深入他的內心 女兒除外 因為女兒本是他生命的一部分 她不需要深入他以接近他的內心世界 她本就來自那里 這個畸形的關系在一段插曲里有影射:和他女兒年齡相仿的姑娘遭他欺辱 只是他對女兒依賴的轉移 無論怎樣他都需要從她那里得到什么

當他開始進行藥物實驗時 以為自己終于能有機會分析及認識自己達到內心升華
錯就錯在他對自己心理頑疾的釋放是自我放縱(諸多事件不一一表述 賣關子)當醫生告訴他那其實只是安眠藥時……

覺得結尾雖然交代不明 仍然算光明 畢竟他對妻女手下留情 整個片子利落漂亮 很干凈 沒有血腥也沒有超自然事物

女兒發現他的秘密 歇斯底里哭喊
他最終到養老院看望母親 老母親呼吸沉重 眼睛直往他心里看 每一聲都壓在人心上


英國09年完整版赤壁,吳宇森導演,諸多大牌。電影本身極其爛,但是政治因素很有趣,不知國内是否公映。不了解中國歷史的朋友們看完都一致認爲這是講香港和大陸的事 所以有海戰(這個錯了……)我當時感覺是編劇應該是臺灣人 所以從頭到尾沒有提到[中國],都講大漢,東吳……映射同胞殘殺 又有文化獨立的意思

總之太好玩了 一定要看完正版!
本帖最后由 小榔头 于 2009-6-27 00:06 编辑



The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre is the name given to the murder of seven people as part of a Prohibition Era conflict between two powerful criminal gangs in Chicago, Illinois, in 1929: the South Side Italian gang led by Al Capone and the North Side Irish gang led by Bugs Moran. Former members of the Egan's Rats gang were also suspected to have played a large role in the St. Valentine's Day massacre, assisting Capone.
The MassacreOn the morning of Thursday, February 14, 1929, St. Valentine's Day, six members of the "Bugs" Moran gang and Reinhardt H. Schwimmer were lined up against the rear inside wall of the garage of the SMC Cartage Company (2122 North Clark Street) in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago's North Side. They were then shot and killed, possibly by members of Al Capone's gang, possibly by "outside talent" (that is, gangsters from outside the city who would not be known to their victims), most likely by a combination of both. Two of the men were dressed as Chicago police officers, and the others were dressed in long trenchcoats, according to witnesses who saw the "police" leading the other men at gunpoint out of the garage (part of the plan). When one of the dying men, Frank Gusenberg, was asked who shot him, he replied, "I'm not gonna talk - nobody shot me" despite having 22 bullet wounds. Capone himself had arranged to be on vacation in Florida. The St. Valentine's Massacre resulted from a plan devised by a member or members of the Capone gang to eliminate the Polish-Irish Bugs Moran, the boss of the North Side Gang, formerly headed up by Dion O'Banion who was murdered nearly five years earlier. Jack McGurn is the person most frequently cited by researchers as a suspected planner. The massacre was planned by the Capone mob for a number of reasons: in retaliation for an unsuccessful attempt by Frank and his brother Peter Gusenberg to murder Jack McGurn earlier in the year, the North Side Gang's complicity in the murder of Pasqualino "Patsy" Lolordo as well as Antonio "The Scourge" Lombardo, and Bugs Moran's muscling in on a Capone-run dog track in the Chicago suburbs. Also, the rivalry between Moran and Capone for control of the lucrative Chicago bootlegging business led Capone to plan the hits and the O'Banion's gang demise.
The plan was to lure Bugs Moran and his men to the SMC Cartage warehouse on North Clark Street. It is assumed usually that the North Side Gang was lured to the garage with the promise of a cut-rate shipment of bootleg whiskey, supplied by Detroit's Purple Gang. However, some recent studies dispute this. All seven victims (with the exception of John May) were dressed in their best clothes, hardly suitable for unloading a large shipment of whiskey crates and driving it away. The real reason for the North Siders gathering in the garage may never be known for certain.
A four-man team would then enter the building, two disguised as police officers, and kill Moran and his men. Before Moran and his men arrived, Capone stationed lookouts in the apartments across the street from the warehouse. Wishing to keep the lookouts inconspicuous, Capone had hired two unrecognizable thugs to stand watch in rented rooms across the street from the garage.
At around 10:30 a.m. on St. Valentine's Day, four men arrived at the warehouse in two cars: a Cadillac sedan and a Peerless, both outfitted to look like detective sedans. Two men were dressed in police uniforms and two in street clothes. The Moran gang had already arrived at the warehouse. However, Moran himself was not inside. One account states that Moran was supposedly approaching the warehouse, spotted the police car, and fled the scene to a nearby coffee shop. Another account was that Moran was simply late getting there.
The lookouts allegedly confused one of Moran's men (most likely Albert Weinshank, who was the same height, build and even physically resembled Moran) for Moran himself: he then signaled for the gunmen to enter the warehouse. The two phony police, carrying shotguns, exited the Peerless and entered the warehouse through the two rear doors. Inside they found members of Moran's gang, a sixth man named Reinhart Schwimmer, who was not actually a gangster but more of a gang "hanger-on" or "groupie", and a seventh man, John May, who was a mechanic fixing one of the cars, and technically not a member of the gang but an occasionally hired mechanic. The killers told the seven men to line up facing the back wall. There was apparently not any resistance, as the Moran men thought their captors were real police, and it was likely a "show" bust merely to garner good press for the police department.
Then the two "police officers" let in two men through the front door facing Clark Street. This pair, riding in the Cadillac, were dressed in civilian clothes. Two of the killers started shooting with Thompson sub-machine guns, one containing a 20-round magazine and the other a 50-round drum. All seven men were killed in a volley of seventy machine-gun bullets and two shotgun blasts according to the coroner's report.
To show bystanders that everything was under control, the men in street clothes came out with their hands up, prodded by the two uniformed cops. The only survivors in the warehouse were John May's German shepherd, Highball, and Frank Gusenberg who, despite fourteen bullet wounds, was still clinging to life. When the real police arrived, they first heard the dog howling. On entering the warehouse, they found the dog trapped under a beer truck and the floor covered with blood, shell casings, and corpses.
Photographs of the scene were taken immediately after the shooting by Jun Fujita and published in the Chicago Daily News.
The victimsThe seven men killed that morning were:
  • Peter Gusenberg, a front line enforcer for the Moran organization.
  • Frank Gusenberg, the brother of Peter Gusenberg and also an enforcer. Frank was miraculously still alive when police first arrived on the scene. He died three hours later, saying only, "Nobody shot me" when questioned by the police on the perpetrator.
  • Albert Kachellek, alias "James Clark", Moran's second-in-command.
  • Adam Heyer, the bookkeeper and business manager of the Moran gang.
  • Reinhart Schwimmer, an optician who had abandoned his practice to gamble on horse racing (unsuccessfully) and associate with the Moran gang. He would, in contemporary parlance, be referred to as a "gang groupie". Though Schwimmer called himself an "optometrist" he was actually an optician (an eyeglass fitter) and he had no medical training.
  • Albert Weinshank, who managed several cleaning and dyeing operations for Moran. His physical and even clothing resemblance to Moran is what allegedly set the massacre in motion before Moran actually arrived.
  • John May, an occasional car mechanic for the Moran gang, though not a gang member himself. May had two earlier arrests for safeblowing (no convictions) but was attempting to work legally. However, his desperate need of cash, with a wife and seven children, caused him to accept jobs with the Moran gang as a mechanic.
The investigationThe slaughter exceeded anything yet seen in the United States at that time. At first, it was thought that police may have indeed been responsible for the killings, but 255 detectives were soon cleared. Chicago Police scrambled to figure out who had been responsible.
Since it was common knowledge that Moran was hijacking Capone's Detroit-based liquor shipments, police focused their attention on the Purple Gang. Mug shots of Purple members George Lewis, Eddie Fletcher, Phil Keywell and his kid brother Harry, were picked out by the landlady across the street as the phony roomers. Later, the women who identified them wavered, and, Fletcher, Lewis, and Harry Keywell were all questioned and cleared by Chicago Police. Nevertheless, the Keywell brothers (and by extension the Purple Gang) would remain ensnared in the massacre case for all time.
A week after the massacre, a 1927 Cadillac sedan was found disassembled and partially burned in a garage on Wood Street. It was determined that the car was used by the massacre killers. The garage was located two blocks from the Circus Café, which was operated by Claude Maddox, a former St. Louis gangster and member of the Capone mob.
Detectives checking leads in St. Louis discovered that former members of the Egan's Rats mob may have played a part. They soon announced they were seeking Fred "Killer" Burke and James Ray as the two uniformed police officers in the garage. Burke and other members of the mob had been known to use police uniforms to fool their victims. Police also proposed that Joseph Lolordo may have been one of the machine gunners, mostly likely because his brother Pasqualino had recently been murdered by the North Side Gang.
Police also announced they suspected Capone gunmen John Scalise and Albert Anselmi, as well as Jack McGurn himself, and Frank Rio, a Capone bodyguard. Police eventually charged McGurn and Scalise with the massacre. John Scalise was murdered before he went to trial and the charges against Jack McGurn were downgraded to a violation of the Mann Act, stemming from taking the main witness against him, girlfriend Louise Rolfe (who became known as the "Blonde Alibi"), across state lines to marry.
The case stagnated until December 14, 1929, when Berrien County sheriffs raided the St. Joseph, Michigan bungalow of “Frederick Dane”. Dane had been the registered owner of a vehicle driven by Fred "Killer" Burke. Burke had been drinking and rear-ended another vehicle in front of the police station. Officer Charles Skelly ran outside to investigate. When Burke attempted to drive away, Officer Skelly hopped on the running board and was shot off. He died of his wounds a short time later.
When police raided Burke's bungalow, they found a bulletproof vest, bonds recently stolen from a Wisconsin bank, two Thompson submachine guns, pistols, and thousands of rounds of ammunition. Both machine guns were determined to have been used in the massacre. Unfortunately, no further concrete evidence would surface in the massacre case. Burke would be captured over a year later on a Missouri farm. As the case against him in the murder of Officer Skelly was strongest, he was tried in Michigan and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment. Fred Burke died in prison in 1940.
情人节大屠杀Saint Valentine's Day massacre)是美国禁酒时代,贩运私酒的帮派间的一次激烈斗争事件,发生在1929年2月14日的芝加哥,当时芝加哥艾尔·卡彭帮派(由义裔美国人组成)装扮成警察,强迫由疯子莫兰(George "Bug" Moran)领导的帮派(由爱尔兰裔美国人德裔美国人组成)的其中7个人在汽车房中靠墙排成一行,并且毫不留情地枪杀。1929年2月14日,星期四,情人节,6名疯子莫兰帮的成员和Dr. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer被发现靠墙死在北芝加哥North Clark街2122号的汽车房中。他们是被开枪打死的,可能是卡彭帮派所为,也可能是“境外人员”所为(即城市外的帮派)。最有可能是两者兼而有之。有证人看到两名男子打扮成芝加哥警官,其他人穿着长外套。大约上午10点30分,“警察”领着其他男子走进车库。当时卡彭在佛罗里达州度假。

Director: Roger Corman
Writer: Howard Browne (writer)
Release Date: 30 June 1967 (USA) more Genre: Crime | Drama more
Plot: Chicago February 14th 1929. Al Capone finally establishes himself as the city's boss of organised crime... 制片国家/地区: 美国
导演: 罗杰 科尔曼 (Roger Corman)
影名: The St. Valentine's Day Massacre
编剧: Howard Browne
简体中文名: 情人节大屠杀
上映日期: 1968-05-23

和其他20/30年代黑幫片不同的是 儸傑柯曼重在社會反思而非控訴 審問我們究竟需要何種社會現實;重人性構建而非個人生活,因此與[教父],[美國往事]有所區別,且個人觀感勝於別他同類型電影——儘管被埋沒
Capone和Muran在黑幫地位上的差異由兩人的生活狀況所反映 前者氣派一如社會名流 後者房屋佈置及生活習慣好比城市新貴:即便地下社會,也構建出一個獨立社會整體 有一切普通社會裏應有的結構和現實——所謂地下社會 所謂非正常現實 也渴求社會現實 在本質上同一 常態與否 堅定標準得到質疑
食物:多処有進食的細節 猛男咬三明治 老大閑刁開胃菜面對記者警告對手 人置意志于食物上 我們的一舉一動都具有表演性 我們需要觀衆 需要他人他物以肯定自我
女人:當然大部分是妓女和母親(……)卑微的黑幫只能在女人身上撒氣 爲了三千塊的裘皮大衣廝打
臨終:Frank被救到醫院 一個臨終的場景 可憐的孩子反復說冷 突然眼光一散
遭妓女欺盜 跟老母借錢 老婆長期臥床不起 做不起手術 拖欠房租 孩子一堆吃不起奶粉……每個人都無奈 然而儸傑柯曼的好處就在他不光描述生活苦啊苦 人如何討生活 社會如何強姦百姓的畫面 而在多処提醒事情沒有那麽簡單 司法系統崩潰 可警察仍舊是權力(未必是正義)的象徵 最後的屠殺也是由於黑幫内心對這種象徵符號有所敬畏 才讓假扮警察的敵手贏了這一場——爲何在黑幫社會/非正常現實裏正常社會的司法代表仍存其意義?
小榔头也喜欢看恐怖片啊? 不错不错,值得分析!
已是残花落池塘   教人魂梦逐荷香